Sunday, December 14, 2008

Raw Milk as a Psoriasis Treatment?

As a big fan of natural, whole food and an interest in nutrition, I've recently been researching raw milk. As a mother of a child with psoriasis, I am constantly looking for natural, wholesome treatments for my son. I'm happy to report that at this time, he is completely without any active psoriasis, and has been clear and off all medications for a couple of months. Back to raw milk. I was surprised to find that Dr. J. R. Crewe, one of the founders of the Mayo Foundation, forerunner of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, used a treatment of raw milk as a cure for psoriasis. The following is from an article he wrote in 1929. That's right- 1929. How many people could have been helped in the past 70 plus years if this information was given the voice and importance that it deserves?

Interestingly, diseases that have no similarity respond equally to this treatment. For instance, psoriasis clears up beautifully. The improvement in tuberculosis or nephritis is equally interesting but there is no similarity in these diseases. I once heard a very distinguished medical man discussing a case of psoriasis. He said, "This was the worst case of psoriasis I have ever seen. This boy was literally covered from head to foot with scales. We put this boy on a milk diet and in less than a month he had a skin like a baby's." To me, this means that there was evidently some nutritive substance or vitamin or glandular secretion lacking, that was furnished by the milk.
For more information, see the Weston Price Foundation or the Campaign for Real Milk.


Unknown said...

Psoriasis, is helped by diet as well, being an auto-immune problem, I use many avenues including Kangeen water [water made alkalinic by filtration and remineralization then run through a magnetic field. The idea is to neutralize the acid forming foods and beverages, taking some of the load off of the liver.
Many things help, sunshine to boost vitamin D, and such things as topical neem oil, wheat grass and alkalin forming foods such as lemons etc.. also are very helpful.
I suspect raw milk from cows fed on grass pastures works mainly by adjusting the bodies Ph by getting your body tissue Ph higher than 7.3
Seems to do much to promote healthy skin.